Friday, April 9, 2010

The Farm with the Farmers

Near the Farmers home in Denver their is a historical operating farm that Dallin really enjoys visiting. Here Dallin and I are observing the baby sheep with their mothers.
Walking around the lake island, exciting.
Melissa isn't as into the farm as Dallin, but she loves to be with dallin and is an excellent aunt.
Can you think of a better place to take a family photo.


  1. I love that you're a farm girl, Julie. I also love that your sister is wearing a Miley Cyrus shirt. She totally rocks.

  2. my kids LOVE that farm! It is a lot more fun than Nick makes it look. :)

  3. You need to come again for more family adventures!

  4. Hey guys. Looks like you are having fun! Where are you these days? Hope all is well!
